After receiving prices from your supplier, you will want to import these and update your prices. Instead of doing this individually and for each item, you can use the Import / Export Config window and the Import Config wizard to do this for you.
NOTE: Before continuing, it is recommended to have a backup of your Espro database in the event something goes wrong. If you are unsure on how to perform a backup, follow this guide.
1. Open up the Import / Export Config window. This is the icon of a sheet of paper with a green arrow pointing into it. Alternatively, go View -> Navigation -> Setup -> Import/Export Config.
2. Create a new Import Wizard configuration by right clicking and pressing New, or clicking the green plus button in the top left. Click Next.
3. Name the wizard, then at the bottom select the file type you want to import. This is usually a .CSV file, but if you need a different type select the appropriate one from the drop down box. Select the file by clicking on the browse button on Default File Name. Ensure that UpdateDuplicate Records is checked, and that Create New Records is unchecked (unless your list contains new items that you want added to the parts list, see troubleshooting for more detail).
4. Click Next. If your data contains a header row, check the box and enter the number of rows this takes up. Ensure that the Data Type drop-down box contains Part.
5. Click Next. Enter in the fields relevant for your data. PartNumber and TradePrice are required to update prices.
NOTE: If your part # contains the manufacturer code at the start (such as "CLI2025WE"), you will need to change the Behaviour column to Remainder and set the index to the desired start position. An index of 4 for example, would start from the 4th character ("CLI2025WE").
6. Click Next. Optional: select a preferred / default Supplier and Manufacturer.
7. Click Next. Click Run Now to update your pricing. Click Finish to save your config wizard settings. Head back to the parts list and Refresh by clicking the icon in the top left or pressing F5.
If the wizard is skipping all of your items, try selecting the "Ignore manufacturer when attempting to match existing Parts?" checkbox on the Data Mapping page (Step 4)
If the wizard is skipping some of your items, the item either has a different manufacturer name/code or does not exist in your parts list. First, try selecting the "Ignore manufacturer when attempting to match existing Parts?" checkbox on the Data Mapping page (Step 5). If that is still skipping items, those items do not exist in the parts list. Return to the General Settings page (step 3), and select the Create New Records checkbox.
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