Quote Settings
Quote Settings allows you to create and manage the content of your Quote templates.
In this help article:
Quote Description Template
Inclusions and Exclusions Template
Terms and Conditions Template
Quote Acceptance Template
Quote Action Required Types
Quote Status Codes
1. Add a Quote Description Title. The title is the name that will appear in the Select Description drop down when creating a Quote.
2. Add a Quote Description to the text editor.
3. Select the Create button.
You can also edit an existing Quote Description template and select the Update button at any time.
You can add as many Quote description templates as you require.
Inclusions and Exclusions Template
1. Add a In/Exclusion Title. The title is the name that will appear in the Select In/Exclusion drop down when creating a quote.
2. Add Inclusions to the text editor.
4. Add Exclusions to the text editor.
3. Select the Create button.
You can also edit an existing In/Exclusion template and select the Update button at any time.
You can add as many In/Exclusion templates as you require.
1. Add a Terms & Condition Title. The title is the name that will appear in the Select Terms & Conditions drop down when creating a Quote.
2. Add Terms & Conditions to the text editor.
3. Select the Create button.
You can also edit an existing Terms & Condition template and select the Update button at any time.
You can add as many Terms & Condition templates as you require.
1. Add your Quote Acceptance to the text editor.
2. Select the Create button.
You can also edit the existing Quote Acceptance template and select the Update button at any time.
You can only add one Quote Acceptance template.
This feature allows the user to set up to 5 different action required codes and colour-code them in order to visually identify quotes requiring various types of followup in the Find Quote List.
1. Press + Add Quote Action Required Type.
2. Press Edit on the right to bring up the configuration screen.
3. You can name the Action type, set a colour and press Save.
This same screen allows you to delete unneeded action types.
This feature allows the user to add additional Status Codes to the standard Pending, Approved and Rejected.
1. Press + Add Own Status Code
2. Press Edit on the right to bring up the configuration screen.
3. You can name the Status code, set a note and press Save.
This same screen allows you to delete unneeded codes.
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