In this help article:
Adding material to a job
Add materials from inventory
Managing Price Levels
Adding new material is used when you are adding parts or materials to a job that are not purchased with a purchase order for the job.
For example you might have added a part from your van or purchased some material from somewhere that you don’t hold an account.
1. Add the material item.
2. Add the part number if available. Part number is not a required field.
3. Add the quantity.
4. Add the cost of the item.
5. Select the Save button.
If you don’t know what the cost price of the item is.
It is recommended that you add the cost as $1 so that the correct value can be added from the office in the costing tab before invoicing the job.
You can also add materials to the job via the inventory.
Select the Add materials from inventory button and navigate the inventory folders.
Start by selecting the item, followed by the quantity and select the add materials to inventory button.
Note: Materials can be added from inventory even if the resulting stock value will be negative. This allows the user to sell items that are actually in stock, but have not been counted in a stock-take.
For premium customers who use the Price Levels feature, the material markup will appear as per defaults on Client, Location or Inventory Item according to the Price Levels hierarchy.
When the Price Levels feature is switched off, or with Price Levels enabled and all three relevant records' price levels set to blank "---", EMAC applies markups as it normally does. The three relevant records are Client, Location and Inventory item. With one or more of these being set to a Price Level, the markup % that appears in the screenshot above adheres to the following hierarchy:
1. Location Price Level
2. Location Material markup %
3. Client Price Level
4. Client Material markup %
5. Inventory Item Price Level
6. Inventory markup &
7. Material markup % from Settings,
...where the Location and Client price levels populate from Settings and the Inventory Item, price levels can be set by the user by either manually entering the % values or importing them. Note that Client and Location Price Levels, but not their values themselves can be imported/updated from the import also.
If any of the values in the above list are blank "---" or 0%, the system fetches the next value on the list and applies it to the markup % on the job material item.
Note: The user still has the ability to change the markup % to any value they want. They can also change the Price Level, which will attempt to fetch the percentage markup from the Inventory Item record, even if they switch back to the Price Level they began with. Also, entering a % value that happens to match one of the price levels on the Inventory Item, will display the appropriate price level tag.
The resulting sell price will appear in Job Financials:
The price level, markup % and price are also freely editable here and will appear as entered on the invoice.
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