Emailing a Service Report
Service Reports can be emailed after they have been created from the Service Report page and Find Service Report page
In this article:
Default emailing addresses
Default Service Report PDF file attachments
Adding files as email attachments
Adding Job Card files as email attachments
Email limitations
Attaching a Service Report to the Invoice email
When emailing a Service Report the email addresses that appear by default in the Email Address are:
- Address of a user currently logged in
- Client contact email address
- Location contact email address
You can also add other email address to the 'Email to' field.
If the default email address is incorrect, make sure to enter correct one on the suppliers contact page.
Default Service Report PDF file attachments
When emailing a Quote the PDF file will be attached to the email being sent.
Attaching the Quote PDF can not be changed when emailing a Service Report.
Adding files as email attachments
Any files added to the file attachment zone will be emailed as a file attachment.
2 ways to add a file to the file attachment zone
- Drag and drop files into the dropzone area.
- Click the mouse button on the drop zone area and select the file you want to add.
File limitations
- Max combined file size that can be emailed at one time is 10Mb.
Max single file size that can be emailed at one time is 2Mb
Adding Job Card files as email attachments
Any files that are added to the Job file uploader can be selected as en email attachment.
To add a job file as an email attachment click the mouse on the tickbox to the left of the file name or on the Select All tickbox if you want to attach all of the job files to the email yo are about to send.
If there is no job files uplaoded to the Job card, this option will not to be available when sending an email.
- Max amount of email recipients is restricted to 50 emails.
- Email subject must be less than 255 characters.
Email file size must be less than 10 Mb
Attaching a Service Report to the Invoice email
EMAC allows any Service Report PDF files associated with the Invoiced job to be attached to the Invoice email.
If there is no Service Reports created for the job, this option will not to be available when sending an email.
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