In this help article:
What is User Hourly Overhead Cost Rate?
Ordinary Time Cost Rate
Overtime Cost Rate
What is User Hourly Overhead Cost Rate?
If there is no hourly overhead Cost of labour added to each user, EMAC is unable to provide a correct cost per job or profit margin per job.
User hourly overhead cost rates are used to calculate the Cost of labour on a job and also the profit margin of labour on a job.
User hourly overhead cost rates are the total cost to the business of each staff member per hour of operation.
An ordinary labour hourly overhead cost and Overtime labour hourly overhead cost are required to calculate correct profit margin for each job. Job profit margins are viewable in the Job Costing tab of each job created in EMAC.
It is important to have the user hourly overhead cost rates entered to calculate the correct labour profit margins for each job.
Ordinary time hourly overhead cost is added to the job costing page when Ord Hrs Labour time is added to a job.
Overtime hourly overhead cost is added to the job costing page when OT Hrs Labour time is added to a job.
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