In this help article:
File and Image Uploader
How it Works
File Limitations
Files or images can be added to various sections within EMAC for document storage or on the job information.
The same file uploading tool is used throughout EMAC.
Files can be uploaded and viewed for;
- User Profiles
- Client Profiles
- Location Profiles
- Supplier Profiles
- Jobs
- Quotes
- Purchase Orders
- Purchase Invoices
- Inventory
How it Works
1. Select the File Upload icon.
2. Drag files into the drop zone. When the drop zone changes colour you may release the mouse button.
- or -
Select the +Add files.. button or the + icon and select the files required.
3. After the file has loaded the drop zone colour will change and the file name will appear.
4. Sections of EMAC that already have files added will show the red indication circle with the number of files added or available to view or download.
5. Select the trash can to delete a file.
How many files can be uploaded?
20 files can be added to each files uploader tool that appears.
What is the maximum file size?
The maximum file size is 5 Mb.
What types of files can be uploaded?
All file types can be uploaded.
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