Average Hourly Overhead Cost
If there is no hourly overhead cost of labour added to each user, EMAC is unable to provide a correct labour cost per job or profit margin per job. User hourly overhead cost rates are used to calculate the cost of labour on a job and also the profit margin for labour on a job. User hourly overhead cost rates are the total cost to the business of each staff member per hour of operation.
Ordinary Time Cost Price p/h
Ordinary time hourly overhead cost is added to the job costing page when ordinary hours labour time is added to a job.
Overtime Cost Price p/h
Overtime hourly overhead cost is added to the job costing page when overtime (O/T) hrs labour time is added to a job.
Adding Your Average Overhead Costs
1. From the header select the icon.
2. Select the Job financials icon.
3. Scroll down the page to "Step 2. What is your average overhead cost for labour?" (shown below).
4. Add the Ordinary Time Hourly overhead cost.
5. Add the Overtime Hourly overhead cost.
6. Click the Save button.
Where Does the Labour Overhead Costs Appear?
Adding a New User
When a new user is created the overhead cost will appear when adding the new user profile information into EMAC.
Viewing the Cost Price of Labour on Jobs
The overhead cost price of labour is used to calculate overall job costs and profit margins.
Job profit margins can be viewed in the Job Financials tab of any job.
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