Quote Templates
Add, edit or delete quote templates for different types of quotes you create from EMAC.
In this article:
About Quote Templates
Creating New Quote Templates
Editing Quote Templates
Delete Quote Templates
Other Settings
About Quote Templates
You can create multiple quote templates for each template type for your business.
Template types are:
- Quote Description
- Inclusions / Exclusions
- Terms and Conditions
- Quote Acceptance
Creating New Quote Templates
1. From the header select the icon.
2. Select the Quote icon.
3. On the right side of Template type, select Edit.
4. Select + Add 'template type'
( See above for template types).
5. Add template name to the Title field.
6. Add the description to the Description field.
Editing Quote Templates
1. From the header select the icon.
2. Select the Quote icon.
3. On the right side of Template type, select Show.
4. Select template name you would like to edit.
5. Edit the template.
6. Select the Update button.
Delete a Quote Template
1. From the header select the icon.
2. Select the Quote icon.
3. On the right side of Template type, select Show.
4. Select template name you would like to delete.
5. Select the Delete button.
Other Settings
There are some other settings that can be configured to help the user categorise quotes. The user can add any number of these but will not be able to delete them if they are used on an existing quote. These are:
Action Required types
Status Codes
Lead Sources
Action required can be colour coded and are used for visually categorising quotes for the user. Status codes and Lead sources are used for filtering and reporting.
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